The Memory Project, Part III

As promised, here are the photos of the kids in El Salvador receiving their portraits, which made my students and me so incredibly happy. It was such a spectacular experience. If you’d like to see more of what I’ve had to say about the project, check out Part I or Part II.

And when you get a chance, please check out The Memory Project.

The Memory Project, Part II

See the original Memory Project post here, or visit their website.

Before I show the pictures of the kids in El Salvador receiving their portraits, I do want to show off the finished work that my students created. Here they are, holding the portrait that they worked (and my drawing, without me holding it).

The really cool thing about this part of the project is that the kids who receive the portrait can see who created the work and put a face to the artist. This, unfortunately, meant Cristian had to suffer through seeing this picture of my ugly mug:

2013-06-14 08.27.29


All in all, though, I think it’s a very cool thing not only to be able to share our work with kids thousands of miles away, but to share these pictures so they can see exactly where it’s coming from. My next post will be the pictures of the kids receiving their portraits after they have been delivered. They are great to see.

The Memory Project



Our latest project is something I’m very excited about–we are participating in The Memory Project. The project begins with us receiving photographs of orphaned children from El Salvador; we then use those photos to create portraits that will be sent back to those children as a gift. There are obviously a lot more details, and if this is something that interests you or your students, I would highly recommend it. Check out the website for the details.

I originally found the project on the Art Ed 2.0 website, and my kids were very interested in taking part. I signed up on their website, which was incredibly easy to do. Ben, the Director of the project, has been very helpful and responsive throughout the entire process; it’s a wonderfully professional and well-run organization. After signing up and registering, the .jpg files of the photographs were available the next day and the actual color photos were received in the mail within 4 days. It was a much quicker turnaround than expected, and it left me very impressed.

As far as the actual drawings go, I only selected my most talented students. I feel like this is something where a quality end product is of utmost importance. This drawing is going to be one of the most valuable possessions these kids will have, and we need to make them spectacular. I hand-picked my best 6 portrait artists, and I’ll be doing one drawing myself. A few graphite drawings, maybe a painting, and a couple of colored pencil drawings. It’s nice that my students are able to select their media; this takes a little bit of pressure off of them because they can work in their comfort zone. I think they have put some pressure on themselves, which I think is fine. They want to do well because these are meaningful drawings, and I have confidence they can live up to their own high expectations.