Artwork of the Week, 12/2

2013-12-02 13.55.53Shara Yumul, Self-Portrait

16 x 22, Charcoal

Shara has never drawn with charcoal before (she’s a graphite girl), but it looks like she might be alright. We just talked over some basic techniques, how to develop light values and negative spaces, and she took it from there. Her AP Concentration is dealing with light and shadows, and this piece came from that idea. Very well executed, for sure.

AP Studio Art Syllabus

It only took me 3 notebooks full of stuff to get this done . . .

It only took me 3 notebooks full of stuff to get this done . . .

I just finished my syllabus for teaching AP Studio Art. This will be the first year I’ve done it, and I somehow thought it would be a good idea to teach Drawing, 2-D Design, and 3-D Design at the same time. We’ll have to see how well that works out.

I probably shouldn’t post this before it’s been approved, but I’m going to anyway. Hopefully I won’t ruin my chances. In any case, here’s the PDF of my AP Studio Art Syllabus that encompasses all 3 classes. Feel free to download if it can help you.
