Artwork of the Week, 1/13

2014-01-09 14.56.07Amelia Johnson, Movement

12 x 12 x 18 inches, oaktag and spray paint

This project came from the 95-minute final that I gave my 3D Design students in AP Studio Art. They had sheets of oaktag, a paper cutter, some hot glue guns, and spray paint (safe, right?). The focus of the assignment was on creating movement within the sculpture, and this was easily the best of the bunch. Here are a couple more views from different angles:


Scholastic Art Awards 2014

Today was the deadline for the Scholastic Art Awards here in Nebraska. Our art department doesn’t have the money we once did, so our entries have been scaled back considerably. I am, however, really excited about the two portfolios we entered. I’m not sure how they’ll do when it comes time for judging, but I love the effort the kids put in to creating the work, documenting the work, writing and editing their artist statements, and putting everything together for their entries. I thought I should share.

Here is Alex’s portfolio of ceramics and sculpture pieces:

Here is Shara’s drawing portfolio:

I’m very proud of these two ladies.